Who is the "real" philanthropist, Bill gates , Mother Teresa or the unknown person?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What is your Radiation Exposure?

Its a good idea to make sure that you do not endanger yourself or loved ones through unknowingly exposing yourself to dangerous radiations. The world has suddenly become a more dangerous place to live in because megalomaniacs run and ruin the world .

A pig does not know how to keep its own house clean, it defecates on the same dinner it just had and eats its own excrement if nothing else is found! So keep away from swine as best you can. Pigs and Politicians, look the same to me.
Below is a link on the radiation exposure you may receive in a year from the American Nuclear Society. Its an interactive chart you can use to keep check on your radiation exposure levels. By radiation I mean danger from other sources besides the sun!

Remember the rule KEEP AWAY FROM SWINE.

If you want a good laugh, go to this link http://www.ans.org/pi/resources/myths/ above and click the Top Ten Myths about Nuclear Power and you will probably agree with me that their classification of myth has to be reclassified. Except for the first question all the others prove  that Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island show completely that nuclear power is the MOST DANGEROUS form of energy production that man has not mastered.

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