Who is the "real" philanthropist, Bill gates , Mother Teresa or the unknown person?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Radioactive Iodine 131 detected in Sea off Japan. Danger of cancer and birth defects. Bad housekeeping!

As of this morning, 22nd March at 1100 hours , Tokyo time, Japan's Fukushima Disaster spokesman H Nishiyama has said on NHK world TV that radionuclides of Iodine, Caesium and Cobalt have been detected in the sea off Japan. Some levels are about 150 times above normal. According to him they have done only 1 reading on the seawater!

Its like the proverbial ostrich putting its head into a hole and not wanting to know the extent to which its life is in danger.

As I have pointed out in my book The Fear Pandemic, in Chapter 7, which is available on my blog, the presence of Iodine 131, a very dangerous radioactive element has resulted in wholesale cancer and mutilations in the US so much so that the US public sued the US government to the amount of US$1.38 billion in the 70's and 80's over the damage caused by its Atomic Tests. These tests were done in the states of Nevada and New Mexico in the 1950's and ended in the 1960's.

Most people affected by these tests were downwind of the nuclear blast, even thousands of km away in places as far away as Illinois and further.

The Japanese government should be more open and conduct more tests otherwise you will only have yourself to blame when the stranger says your house is dirty!

Further contamination has been detected in food such as vegetables and in cow's milk and in the drinking water. Please note that by seaspray alone, the radiation can be spread inland. You do not need a large dose, a small dose is enough to kill as this link will tell you of the consequences of the Petkau Effect, at http://doctorapsley.com/RadiationTherapy.aspx

My article on radiation detoxing with the use of the black seed called Nigella sativa will follow soon as I am in the process of finalizing the statistics. 

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