The GOOD Club of Bill Gates has donated US1 Billion to
vaccinate Africa! Why?
In Nigeria, the government through local councils has deferred the use of vaccines because of complaints received by states that the tetanus toxoid doses were compromised with human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) which is an anti fertility regulator hormone. It was found in Nigeria as well as in Brazil, Mexico,Thailand and the Philippines that these vaccines were tainted purposefully with hCG. [1,2]
They may have been introduced into Indonesia and SE Asia under the guise of bird flu injections.Many cases of aborted fetuses and still births as well as miscarriages in early pregnancy stages were reported as a result of the use of these vaccines. All were administered from suppliers overseen by WHO trusted drug companies which supplied these doses.
One particular incident stands out especially sorely. Native people of the Akha tribe[1] that live on the Thailand/Laos border were subjected to this type of genocide! The women were given tetanus injections after being told that if they refused their children born would not be given Thai birth certificates! So this would cause them to lose out on Thai citizenship and create a whole host of other social problems such as medical,welfare and education for their children when growing up.
Many reluctantly agreed and as a result many suffered from miscarriages and still births after receiving the injections. There is one documented interview with an Akha woman whose 8th month baby was still born soon after receiving the jab. She said that before the jab, she could feel the baby in her alive and kicking as it developed normally. After the jab it moved less, stopped moving altogether and subsequently was delivered still born soon after.
Those tribe members who hid themselves and refused the jabs were better off as they were saved from these conditions. Please see the many Youtube and Google videos available on the internet about the Akha people.
Similar incidences were reported in the Philippines newspapers about Filipino women receiving these jabs and miscarrying soon after[3,4]. The stories were soon killed in the papers because of vested interests being compromised. Some politicians were probably making huge sums selling these vaccines to their local health ministries.
Anyway this brave lady, sister Mary Pilar Verzosa, a nun, documented the circumstances of the victims and warned others as well as the catholic church which then took a stronger stand on this issue. Her interview is recorded in the BBC documentary listed wherein she speaks of the tremendous damage caused by these vaccines as they were given to local women under the guise of tetanus injections, many of whom have become sterile and have miscarried continuously.[3,6]
Dr G P Talwar of India and his research on Birth Control Vaccines[5]
In the abstract of his paper, Dr. GP Talwar goes on to say that in order to be an effective depopulation agent, there have to be several injections over a period of a few months[5]. This fits exactly with what the Akha people of Thailand experienced as well as the Filipinos. Here is the abstract:
“We report here the use of an alternative carrier diphtheria toxoid (DT) in human subjects to overcome antigen-specific unresponsiveness upon immunization with a hapten/ligand-carrier conjugate. In the phase I clinical trial of a birth control vaccine using gonadotrophin subunits linked to tetanus toxoid, some of the subjects failed to evoke a booster antibody response to human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Presentation of the ligand on DT instead in subsequent immunizations restored anti-hCG response”[5].
It has been documented that rats given the same treatment were unable to conceive for many months after a single dose of tetanus toxoid laced with hCG was given.
The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone(hCG)
This hormone is produced by the initial onset of pregnancy in women. It is secreted by cells of the developing embryo and this hormone affects the uterine lining making it more engorged with blood, thickening it so that the fertilized ovum as it travels down the fallopian tube can be implanted successfully and grow to term in the thickened uterine lining.
The beta subunit of hCG.
It has been found after many years of research conducted by WHO that this sub unit of the hCG can be made to work against the human body. What has been done is to cause the human body to produce antibodies to this hormone.
This is only possible when it is linked with the tetanus moiety so that implantation of the fertilized egg is stopped or the fetus is identified as a foreign object by the mother and spontaneous abortion results. The hCG on its own will not cause antibodies to it as it is a perfectly natural product.
References are provided on the use of this method to curtail population growth, to do genocide and to cause birth complications in human populations so targeted[5,6,7]. Please read the works of Judith Richter called Vaccination against Pregnancy - Miracle or Menace
- Mental retardation leading to autism.
- Developmental toxicity - as the fetus develops various conditions may arise leading to more stress on the mother as well.
- Intrauterine complications leading to death of the fetus in utero.
- Malformations in the developmental aspect of the fetus.
- Low body weight upon birth.
- Growth retardation and abnormalities.
Tricks used by WHO and Globalists to induce vaccination[6]
Most people look to the US as the world leader in scientific research and medicine. They think it represents the gold standard in medical care. But that's not the case- it has never been and never likely to be. The deception enhanced by Hollywood and the British film industry as well can be seen easily once we realize that the major cause of death in the US is due to adverse drug reactions caused by the doctors themselves!
In order to get the rest of the world to follow the vaccination agenda these globalists have done the following:
- Vaccinate the US population so that the standard is set. This entails using the mass media to create fear and panic to induce the "sheeple" to undergo this. Then use Hollywood to produce movies to disseminate this to the rest of the world as well. Our “hero” is a vaccine scientist trying to help the world get rid of the Ebola virus, remember that movie with old man Dustin Hoffmann called Outbreak.
- Pass legislations and mandates to ensure that vaccination is required from birth! Certain countries and states will not allow a child to be schooled unless he has the required vaccines taken prior to entering school.
- This will establish the mindset that will ensure that almost all people will agree to be vaccinated if need be and make them bend to the will of the ruling state.
- The industrious use of toxic chemicals especially thimerosal in preparing the vaccines and others which can cause cancer(Polio and SV40) and other diseases.
- The rampant financial opportunity opens for big pharmaceutical companies to reap obscene profits from sicknesses they invented by these injections.
- The use of WHO spokespersons to encourage vaccination and brain-washing techniques to induce people.
- Exporting all this to third world countries by bribing their politicians and using trade restrictions to further the agenda. A carrot and stick approach!
Further, the US no longer holds the Gold Standard or the moral high ground because of its classification of “enemy combatants” and the outrageous disregard shown to the Geneva Convention and the figure-head UN secretary-generals that are installed by these mass-murdering genocidal maniacs.
Well, one Gold Standard it has held for many years and remains unchallenged to this day- that of Genocide! It has fought in so many wars and lost countless men and maimed and destroyed the lives of innocent bystanders and massacred so many different races starting with the Native American Indians,the Mexicans, the Inuits,the Japanese,the Koreans,the Chinese, the Vietnamese, the Arabs and now the muslims wherever they might be.
Vaccination is another form of genocide happening or waiting to happen!
Its much easier to kill with a syringe the unknown human at the other end then to kill him with a bullet. Its cheaper because a syringe can be loaded multiple times and the toxin given can be supplied endlessly.
No need to put oneself on the front line in a real firefight.Let the vaccine kill for you!
The cost of a vaccination program on a certain country, say Malaysia, is in the US$ 10 million range. But in order to kill the Malay race you have to bring in your B52's , your aircraft carriers, your laser guided bombs and tactical nukes all developed at the American tax payer's expense. All billion dollar issues.
Vaccination does this at the fraction of the cost and with no harm to the perpetrators!
Just see the logistics:
- US -Iraq war costs so far US$4 billion a month to run and this is since 2003.
- The Afghan war so far has cost US$1 Trillion!(up to June 2010)
- The planned Iran war will cost more because it is expected to be nuclear as well as conventional. The radioactive fallout will affect countries downstream of the wind direction as well as the whole world as the radioactive dust will affect the world and all ecosystems.
So now you know why killing on the quiet using syringes is more effective.
David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.
"There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.And this seems to be the final revolution."
- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961.
- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961.
"For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn't. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign Relations-One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared "ammunition" in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support.
"The UN is but a long-range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.
"The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market....The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank."
Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book, "My Exploited Father-in-Law"
Having had your doctors educated in western allopathic medicine where vaccination is a key ingredient and an 'important arsenal in human health' we are seriously mistaken if we don't change their mindset.[9] Simple-minded people have to realize that our forefathers never had to be vaccinated for anything and they were in good health because they had not the toxic rubbish to eat which is now readily available.
Their food was fresh and not laced with GM ingredients and milk was not pasteurized.
Thimerosal and hCG
[2] Birth control vaccines by G P Talwar and Raj Raghupathy.
[3] The Human Laboratory- BBC transcript Nov 5th, 1995.(interview with Mary Pilar Verzosa)
[4] Protecting adolescent girls against tetanus – British Medical Journal(BMJ) 1995,
vol. 311:pp 73-74(8th July).
[5] Bypass by an alternate 'carrier' of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immunization with tetanus-conjugated vaccine.Talwar GP et al. Department of Medicine, Division of Immunology and Rheumatology, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. Int. Immunol. (1990) 2 (2): 151-155. Oxford University Press.
[6] The inherent racism of Population Control – Paul Jalsevac.
[7] Development of a hormone neutralizing vaccine using GnRH-glycy-PPD, for use in treatment of oestrogen-dependant disorders. Ferro VA, O'Grad JE, Notman J, Stimson WH. (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow U.K.)
1: Ther Immunol 1995 Jun :2(3): pp147-157.
[8] Neonatal Immunization against Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone(GnRH) results in diminished GnRH secretion in adulthood. Clarke et al. Endocrinology Vol 139,no.4.
[9] Murder by Injection- Eustace Mullins. Please see also his video interviews available on Utube and Google.
[10] Relationship between semen parameters and Mercury concentrations in blood and in seminal fluid for sub-fertile males in Hong Kong. Choy et al. Fertil Steril (2002) Aug.:78(2):pp426-428.
[11] Impact of heavy metals and immunological factors in women with repeated miscarriages. Gerhard et al. Human Reprod 1998 4(3) : pp301-309.
[12] How £300million was squandered on swine flu jabs that we didn't need – Jenny Hope, Daily Mail 7th April 2010.
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