The Holy Quran (2:251): Then they defeated them with the Authority of Allah and David killed Goliath and Allah gave him the kingdom and wisdom and taught him of the things He willed. And were it not that Allah defends mankind, some of them by means of the others, the earth would be full of disorder. But Allah is the Bestower of Grace on the people of the world.
Who is the "real" philanthropist, Bill gates , Mother Teresa or the unknown person?
Tea Tree Oil, The Australian Germicide Tea Tree Oil, The Australian Germicide By Lana Lokteff | 2011 06 20 begin_of_...
This article is FREE to post anywhere but please also visit my other pages. On the location of the Dajjal(anti-Christ) in present time...
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Bill Gates and the hCG contamination in vaccines
The Human Chorionic Gonodotrophin hormone beta subunit referred to as hCG ( below).
and the people who did research on it to depopulate the Earth!
The consequences of believing an evil agency of the Thai government who target poor villagers for genocide so that the resources on which they own are left to the powerful to plunder and abuse.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Chapter One of The Fear Pandemic by P M Khan.
Dear readers,
This is a special free chapter of my book, The Fear Pandemic. This was written in 2011. It has become extremely relevant today.
Chapter One -
The Flu Pandemic and Vaccinations
“No food product in our country would have any trace
of benzoic acid, sulfurous acid or sulfites or any alum or saccharin, save for
medical purposes. No soft drink would contain caffeine or theobromine. No
bleached flour would enter interstate commerce. Our foods and drugs would be
wholly without any form of adulteration and misbranding. The health of our people
would be vastly improved and the life greatly extended. The manufacturers of
our food supply, and especially the millers, would devote their energies to
improving the public health and promoting happiness in every home by the
production of whole ground, unbolted cereal flours and meals.”
Dr. Harvey W.
Wiley- Head, Bureau of Chemistry, US
1912. (Bureau of Chemistry was predecessor to the US FDA- the Food and Drug
high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the
American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his
(John F. Kennedy, at Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination)
(John F. Kennedy, at Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination)
If you are thinking that Bertrand Russell is one of the
forward thinkers/philosophers of the 20th century, please think
again. In Dr R Swinburne Clymer's book Your Health and Sanity in
the Age of Treason, you will read what Russell said:
injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the
sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider
desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become
psychologically impossible.”B. Russell- The Impact of Science on Society.
(1953) Google Books Edition; page 62.
Dr Clymer further writes:
vigilant human being should be concerned with several important factors
involved: The methods or means by which it is possible to change man’s
characteristics as easily as the animal’s. Man is a warrior by nature, the protector
of his family, and his own rights and privileges; an individual, a free man… A
being who has wrought great things and who, if not interfered with, will do
even greater things. This being is to be turned into a lesser female; unable,
even unwilling, to defend himself, much less his family or country; becoming a
What’s wrong with our food? Plenty. And as you read
on, I will map out to you the strategy you should take to avoid getting any of
the common 21st century diseases which I have tried to avoid
and live a more fruitful life with less pain and more money for yourself and
less for the doctor, whom you may not need.
I am a research scientist. That’s all. What I have
known about the health industry and medicine so far has been a nightmare of the
worst kind.
In Asia, we may not be so bothered by the food or
health events that go on in US, UK or Europe for that matter. But we are daily
bombarded by advertising and Hollywood, Bollywood and the Hong Kong film stars
and their latest gossip.
What if you found out that Amiir Khan has pancreatic
cancer that Ashwariya Rai has a breast lump and that Chow Yoon Fatt has a
growth in his throat? You would be upset; they may be your favorite people.
What about yourself? Certainly you would seek the best medical treatment
possible. Going to the best doctors and getting chemotherapy and radiation to
kill the cancer. WRONG choice! Why? I will explain.
It’s been known by the Arabs since the tenth century
A.D. that any attempt to cut out a tumor will only aggravate it. It will put
out ‘feelers’ so that would ensure its spread to other parts of the body. These
are called secondaries, they can spread from the brain say to other areas
because no matter how accurate you are you never ever kill all the cancer, and
it only comes back in a different location at a different time.
So be warned because I am going to show you statistics
that will shock you and prove to you that the modern pharmaceutical and
medicine industry is a huge scam run by globalists out to enrich themselves at
your expense. You might think its all wrong how could any company selling
medications be so cruel and profit motivated. Realize that companies live on
profit, where there is none the company is setting the stage for its own
How to profit? Make a useless drug, get a good PR firm
to run the advertisements, pay some medical people (university professors will
do just fine) to give good comments and voila, you make a billion in sales.
Exactly what happened in Tamiflu viral shots for influenza when in season?
"The Tamiflu accounts had a list of key messages
that you had to get in. It was run by the [Roche] marketing department and you
were answerable to them. In the introduction ...I had to say what big problem influenza is. I'd also have to come
to the conclusion that Tamiflu was the
answer,"..... comments by a drug company salesman on how he pushed
Roche, the drug manufacturer of Tamiflu has been shown
to have tampered with its own kind to generate sales by employing ghost writers
to speak in praise of it as a wonderful drug for flu and colds. The British
Medical Journal has published a report saying Roche deliberately misled
governments and doctors into believing that Tamiflu was effective when
in fact it was not! Roche is not beyond telling lies just for the money. The
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority on pharmaceutical industry in
the US has this to say:
"Tamiflu has not been proven to have a
positive impact on the potential consequences (such as hospitalizations, mortality,
or economic impact) of seasonal, avian, or pandemic influenza." FDA.
"The clinical trials... failed to demonstrate any
significant difference in rates of hospitalization, complications, or mortality
in patients receiving either Tamiflu or placebo.’ FDA.
The recent Earth Summit in Hawaii on 22nd April 2010 where globalists such as Bill
Gates, Ted Turner and George Soros attended was a window into their plans to
depopulate the world through the use of GM foods, vaccination, crop failure
through weather warfare, release of toxins in the air by ways only they plan to
do with their mad scientists and the use of bioweapons including enhanced
nuclear weapons to cause the world population to decrease to 600 million. This
is their so called sustainable population for earth that they want to live in. Mad people with
ideas such as these and genocide on their minds should not stay on this planet.
We need these people to be put on trial
for instigating mass murders and planning to do more and worse for humanity.
Bill Gates –
The New “Mother Theresa” of Vaccine and population control administering oral
vaccines to kids and fooling everyone with his “zero carbon emission and zero
population growth policy”
How Bill Gates compares with Mother Theresa.
Bill Gates
Mother Theresa
Comes from an upper
middle class American background
Calling to be
entrepreuner early in life.
Imbued with
“Money-making Spirit” from young.Jet set lifestyle.
Seeks to sell as
many of his products as possible.Profit Intentions
Sells to billions
with his overpriced software. Projects himself as a philanthropist.
A Billionaire many
times over.
Preaches dependance
on Microsoft products and enslaves people in farm factories producing his
Puts a baby to
sleep permanently with his 10 Billion Dollar vaccination agenda and Zero
population growth by 2050.
One of the
Untouchables, a “Devil in Disguise” and no court in the world can prosecute
him. He can do No wrong- see Magna Carta where the King can do no wrong!
10. Lives in a mansion, just one of many with 30 car porch,
swimming pools,manicured lawns, 24 hour security and own helipad/jets.
Comes from a poor,
impoverished background
Calling to be a nun
early in life.
Imbued with “Holy
Spirit”from young.God centred lifestyle.
Seeks to help as
many people as possible.
Helps billions with
her soft prayers. People know her as philanthropic by nature!
Not a billionaire
but revered by billions.
Preaches self
reliance, strength of spirit and freedom from poverty.
Puts a baby to
sleep with “Sweet Jesus” lullabies and human warmth and love.Takes care of
orphans and abandoned kids, the sick, old and lepers.
Proclaimed a
“Saint” by the Pope.
Lived in a nunnery.
Died and gone to heaven.
Dear readers, knowing all of the above , would you
trust your child to be vaccinated by Bill Gates? One more question I pose to
you, who is the REAL philanthropist?
Autoimmune Diseases
There are at the moment an estimated 100,000 chemicals
in use as food agents. This means that they are used as coloring, food
stabilizers, anti-caking agents,anti-fungals, anti-microbials, growth
retardants, hormones,neutralizers,thickeners and many others. A report from the
Washington Post of January 23, 1988 says that there were more than 60,000 chemicals that were in use
in foodstuffs and of this only 2% have been tested for toxicity.
It can clearly be seen that the FDA and other similar
bodies neither have the resources nor the manpower to test all these chemicals
for safety as should be done on an unsuspecting public. As taxpayers we have
the right to know what some greedy corporations put in their foods. How is it
that McDonald’s french fries can last for six months without rotting? This was
shown on a YouTube video and has gone viral on the internet as well. What did
they add to the food to make it last that long ? Where is the need for a
corporation to produce 'indestructible' fries.
Passing or banning a chemical does not protect you in any way. The tests
done so far for foodstuffs are only for
the toxicity. They don't show the cancer-causing or carcinogenic potential that
these chemicals have. In my section on cancer you will read in more detail that
low levels of a carcinogen can cause cancer over a long period of exposure.
When we eat these chemicals, the body rebels by
getting into a crisis mode, trying to detox itself by various ways. These
include irritations of the sinuses, mucous membranes, diarrhea,watery eyes and
many other symptoms. If the body is continually poisoned and detox is held back
then the result is autoimmune disease, a more serious repercussion of failure
to detox.
The CDC very clearly states at its website that at
present there are 25 million Americans with autoimmune disease. The list from
the CDC is shown below along with the symptoms.
From CDC website Autoimmune Diseases
Alopecia areata (Al-uh-PEE-shuh
The immune system attacks hair follicles (the
structures from which hair grows). It usually does not threaten health, but
it can greatly affect the way a person looks.
Patchy hair loss on the scalp, face, or other
areas of your body
Antiphospholipid (an-teye-FOSS-foh-lip-ihd)
antibody syndrome (aPL)
A disease that causes problems in the inner lining of
blood vessels resulting in blood clots in arteries or veins.
Blood clots in veins or arteries
Multiple miscarriages
Lacy, net-like red rash on the wrists and
Autoimmune hepatitis
The immune system attacks and destroys the liver
cells. This can lead to scarring and hardening of the liver, and possibly
liver failure.
Enlarged liver
Yellowing of the skin or whites of eyes
Itchy skin
Joint pain
Stomach pain or upset
Celiac disease
A disease in which people can’t tolerate gluten, a
substance found in wheat, rye, and barley, and also some medicines. When
people with celiac disease eat foods or use products that have gluten, the
immune system responds by damaging the lining of the small intestines.
Abdominal bloating and pain
Diarrhea or constipation
Weight loss or weight gain
Missed menstrual periods
Itchy skin rash
Infertility or miscarriages
Diabetes type 1
A disease in which your immune system attacks the
cells that make insulin, a hormone needed to control blood sugar levels. As a
result, your body cannot make insulin. Without insulin, too much sugar stays
in your blood. Too high blood sugar can hurt the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and
gums and teeth. But the most serious problem caused by diabetes is heart
Being very thirsty
Urinating often
Feeling very hungry or tired
Losing weight without trying
Having sores that heal slowly
Dry, itchy skin
Losing the feeling in your feet or having
tingling in your feet
Having blurry eyesight
Graves’ disease (overactive
A disease that causes the thyroid to
make too much thyroid hormone.
Weight loss
Heat sensitivity
Fine brittle hair
Muscle weakness
Light menstrual periods
Bulging eyes
Shaky hands
Sometimes there are no symptoms
Guillain-Barre (GEE-yahn
bah-RAY) syndrome
The immune system attacks the nerves that connect your
brain and spinal cord with the rest of your body. Damage to the nerves makes
it hard for them to transmit signals. As a result, the muscles have trouble
responding to the brain.
Weakness or tingling feeling in the legs that
might spread to the upper body
Paralysis in severe cases
Symptoms often progress relatively quickly, over a
period of days or weeks, and often occur on both sides of the body.
Hashimoto’s (hah-shee-MOH-tohz)
disease (underactive
A disease that causes the thyroid to not make enough
thyroid hormone.
Weight gain
Sensitivity to cold
Muscle aches and stiff joints
Facial swelling
Hemolytic anemia (HEE-moh-lit-ihk
The immune system destroys the red blood cells. Yet
the body can’t make new red blood cells fast enough to meet the body’s needs.
As a result, your body does not get the oxygen it needs to function well, and
your heart must work harder to move oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.
Shortness of breath
Cold hands or feet
Yellowish skin or whites of eyes
Heart problems, including heart failure
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (id-ee-oh-PATH-ihk
throm-boh-seye-toh-PEE-nik PUR-pur-uh) (ITP)
A disease in which the immune system destroys blood
platelets, which are needed for blood to clot.
Very heavy menstrual period
Tiny purple or red dots on the skin that might
look like a rash.
Easy bruising
Nosebleed or bleeding in the mouth
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
A disease that causes chronic inflammation of the
digestive tract. Crohn’s (krohnz) disease and ulcerative colitis
(UHL-sur-uh-tiv koh-LEYE-tuhss) are the most common forms of IBD.
Abdominal pain
Diarrhea, which may be bloody
Some people also have:
Rectal bleeding
Weight loss
Mouth ulcers (in Crohn’s disease)
Painful or difficult bowel movements (in
ulcerative colitis)
Inflammatory myopathies (meye-OP-uh-theez)
A group of diseases that involve muscle inflammation
and muscle weakness. Polymyositis
(pol-ee-meye-uh-SYT-uhss) and dermatomyositis
(dur-muh-toh-meye-uh-SYT-uhss) are 2 types more common in women than men.
Slow but progressive muscle weakness beginning
in the muscles closest to the trunk of the body. Polymyositis affects muscles
involved with making movement on both sides of the body. With
dermatomyositis, a skin rash comes before or at the same time as muscle
May also have:
Fatigue after walking or standing
Tripping or falling
Difficulty swallowing or breathing
Multiple sclerosis (MUHL-tip-uhl
sklur-OH-suhss) (MS)
A disease in which the immune system attacks the
protective coating around the nerves. The damage affects the brain and spinal
Weakness and trouble with coordination,
balance, speaking, and walking
Numbness and tingling feeling in arms, legs,
hands, and feet
Symptoms vary because the location and extent
of each attack vary
Myasthenia gravis (meye-uhss-THEEN-ee-uh
GRAV-uhss) (MG)
A disease in which the immune system attacks the
nerves and muscles throughout the body.
Double vision, trouble keeping a steady gaze,
and drooping eyelids
Trouble swallowing, with frequent gagging or
Weakness or paralysis
Muscles that work better after rest
Drooping head
Trouble climbing stairs or lifting things
Trouble talking
Primary biliary cirrhosis
(BIL-ee-air-ee sur-ROH-suhss)
The immune system slowly destroys the liver’s bile
ducts. Bile is a substance made in the liver. It travels through the bile
ducts to help with digestion. When the ducts are destroyed, the bile builds
up in the liver and hurts it. The damage causes the liver to harden and scar,
and eventually stop working.
Itchy skin
Dry eyes and mouth
Yellowing of skin and whites of eyes
Psoriasis (suh-REYE-uh-suhss)
A disease that causes new skin cells that grow deep in
your skin to rise too fast and pile up on the skin surface.
Thick red patches, covered with scales,
usually appearing on the head, elbows, and knees
Itching and pain, which can make it hard to
sleep, walk, and care for yourself
May have:
A form of arthritis that often affects the
joints and the ends of the fingers and toes. Back pain can occur if the spine
is involved.
Rheumatoid arthritis (ROO-muh-toid
A disease in which the immune system attacks the
lining of the joints throughout the body.
Painful, stiff, swollen, and deformed joints
Reduced movement and function
May have:
Weight loss
Eye inflammation
Lung disease
Lumps of tissue under the skin, often the
Scleroderma (sklair-oh-DUR-muh)
A disease causing abnormal growth of connective tissue
in the skin and blood vessels.
Fingers and toes that turn white, red, or blue
in response to heat and cold
Pain, stiffness, and swelling of fingers and
Thickening of the skin
Skin that looks shiny on the hands and forearm
Tight and mask-like facial skin
Sores on the fingers or toes
Trouble swallowing
Weight loss
Diarrhea or constipation
Shortness of breath
Sjögren’s (SHOH-grins) syndrome
A disease in which the immune system targets the
glands that make moisture, such as tears and saliva.
Dry eyes or eyes that itch
Dryness of the mouth, which can cause sores
Trouble swallowing
Loss of sense of taste
Severe dental cavities
Hoarse voice
Joint swelling or pain
Swollen glands
Cloudy eyes
Systemic lupus erythematosus (LOO-puhss
A disease that can
damage the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, and other parts of the body.
Also called SLE or lupus.
Weight loss
Hair loss
Mouth sores
“Butterfly” rash across the nose and cheeks
Rashes on other parts of the body
Painful or swollen joints and muscle pain
Sensitivity to the sun
Chest pain
Headache, dizziness, seizure, memory problems,
or change in behavior
Vitiligo (vit-ihl-EYE-goh)
The immune system destroys the cells that give your
skin its color. It also can affect the tissue inside your mouth and nose.
White patches on areas exposed to the sun, or
on armpits, genitals, and rectum
Hair turns gray early
Loss of color inside your mouth
These diseases are easily preventable by choosing the
right foods to eat. If you choose what goes in then you will be able to control
what comes out to save your own life. A planned intake of fresh foods,
organically grown, pure water and lots of love from your family will see you
through any crisis.
But not modern medicine which has become impersonal,
cruel and profit-minded and even in many cases genocidal.
The case of actor James Coburn(1928-2002) comes to
mind. He had very severe rheumatoid arthritis and was in constant pain. Even
getting up was excruciatingly painful. He tried pharmaceutical drugs and the
doctor told him “if these don't work we have others you can try” and also that
he had to live with the condition just like millions of others. Well action man
Coburn went to work and in the 90's discovered that deep massage, stimulation
of the immune system and a sulfur food
supplement were all that was needed for him to get on with his life.
He went on to win an Oscar for the movie Affliction
in 2001. He died listening to music in his home at the age of 74 years.
“Doctors want to give you drugs and keep you on 'em, I
just wanted to get to the root of the problem.” James Coburn.
So much for what doctors want from you!
We need honest
1962: Frances Kathleen Oldham Kelsey receiving the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service from President John F. Kennedy (photo source-Wikipedia)
Dr Kelsey was responsible for the health of millions
of Americans as her new job at the FDA required her to screen new drugs prior
to their approval for medical use. Her suspicions were aroused when it was
revealed that a new drug used by pregnant women for morning sickness was
implicated as possibly toxic.
This drug, Thalidomide(under brand name Kevadon) was
being actively prescribed by physicians in Europe, UK
and in Australia
as well to pregnant women.
1962 photo of a baby born to a mother who had taken Thalidomide while pregnant; note the extra appendage connected to the foot and the malformation of the right arm.
She blocked the entry of this drug into the US
although under extreme pressure to comply with the requests of the manufacturer
to pass it. She stuck to her guns, asking for more tests to prove Thalidomide's
safety record. None were found. Instead the reverse was true, Thalidomide was
implicated in causing massive brain and limb deformities .
She was subsequently hailed as a heroine who prevented
the maiming and suffering of thousands
had this drug been allowed for sale!
US President John F Kennedy gave her the Distinguished
Federal Service Medal for her pioneering work. The US Congress subsequently
passed more stringent laws to control drug manufacture and sales.
However, history has proven especially with many other
cases that people like Dr Kelsey are few and far between. The US FDA has now a
new acronym, Forever Devil's Advocate.
It is in an unwholesome relationship with private
industry, even to the extent of protecting private industry's interest above
and beyond those interest of the people.
Read the
comments below in italics about the FDA from just one scientist :
“In a 1991 memo, recently obtained by
plaintiffs’ lawyers in lawsuits against the pharmaceutical industry, Dr.
Maurice Hilleman, one of the fathers of Merck’s vaccination programs, warned
Dr. Gordon Douglas, President of the company’s vaccination division, that
six-month-old children administered the shots on schedule would suffer mercury
exposures 87 times the existing safety standards. He recommended that
thimerosal use be discontinued, “especially where use in infants and young
children is anticipated.” Hilleman commented
that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which has a notoriously close
relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, could not be counted on to take
appropriate action as its European counterpart had. (Europe and Japan were moving quickly to ban
thimerosal—Russia banned it 20 years ago).
Dr Andrew Wakefield – Latest victim of the Drug Trust and the BMC who struck
him off the register so he can no longer practice
medicine in the UK.
Dr Wakefield says in an interview:
“My second patient with autism came to me in the mid
1990’s, but to my relief the purpose of the visit was only to treat worms. I
dutifully prescribed the medicine for pin worms and went on to my next patient.
Later that afternoon I received a call from the autistic boy’s mom who wanted
to know what was that medicine I had given her son for pin worms….her boy was
starting to make eye contact, show affection and communicate with his family.
She said it was amazing! I told her I didn’t really didn’t know what was in the
pin worm pill but immediately prescribed enough pills for her son to take
everyday for a month (normally you only take one or two pills to treat pin
I called up the pharmaceutical company that manufactured the pin worm pill and spoke to one of their technical staff. They told me the pill worked by blocking the transport of molecules of a certain size from crossing cell membranes, so in the case of the hapless pin worms they were unable to absorb the sugars they feed upon in the lower intestines of their victims.
What did that have to do with this boy’s newly found improved behavior? Either one of two things were going on: 1) the drug was either blocking a molecule that shouldn’t be passing across the gut to the blood and then the brain and that molecule was having a drug-like affect on the brain, or; 2) the drug was blocking a molecule that normally crossed from the gut into the blood but in certain children these molecules had a strange drug-like affect.
I made several calls across the country to find a researcher who might be interested in this serendipitous finding which could be an important clue into this disease, because no where had I found anything saying that the guts of these children were involved in their disease. Unfortunately, no one I talked to was interested.”
I called up the pharmaceutical company that manufactured the pin worm pill and spoke to one of their technical staff. They told me the pill worked by blocking the transport of molecules of a certain size from crossing cell membranes, so in the case of the hapless pin worms they were unable to absorb the sugars they feed upon in the lower intestines of their victims.
What did that have to do with this boy’s newly found improved behavior? Either one of two things were going on: 1) the drug was either blocking a molecule that shouldn’t be passing across the gut to the blood and then the brain and that molecule was having a drug-like affect on the brain, or; 2) the drug was blocking a molecule that normally crossed from the gut into the blood but in certain children these molecules had a strange drug-like affect.
I made several calls across the country to find a researcher who might be interested in this serendipitous finding which could be an important clue into this disease, because no where had I found anything saying that the guts of these children were involved in their disease. Unfortunately, no one I talked to was interested.”
Rates of Autism have skyrocketed
The rate of autism prior to 1990's was 1 child in
25,000. Now it is even less than 1 child in 166! And most of them are boys as
ethyl mercury which is derived from Thimerosal, as it enters the brain, is more
toxic in boys than girls because of male hormone interaction. In any population
you would see clearly that more boys than girls are affected with autism. The
ratio is roughly about 6:1 with boys more prone to autism.
The question to ask after reviewing the above data is
why are the rates in Vermont
state so low or non-existent. There is an autism organization in Vermont but
they handle very few cases. The population is also small. But the community is
tight knit and don't want their kids vaccinated at all. Below is just one
example of how such groups have got together with legal advise and drafted
documents that would transfer the responsibility of administering vaccines and
their adverse reactions to the hospital or physician doing the job. The site
goes like this below:
“Most states now require the Hepatitis B vaccine for
newborns. Many parents are also cornered by emergency room personnel during
accident visits. Hospitals nationally are under pressure to utilize every
opportunity to score a "hit." If your pediatrician understands your
views, get him involved with the hospital. As a last resort, protect your right
to receive quality care in the following manner. (Usually, you'll never find
anybody in the hospital to sign this simple form):
'I certify that the (Name of Vaccine)________ vaccine being administered to (Name of Child)_________ is free from all known and yet unknown zoonotic or human viruses or viral fragments and will not cause acute or chronic illness in the recipient due to viral contamination or as a reaction to the components of this vaccine. (Signature of Physician and Date)_________.'' sourced with permission from
'I certify that the (Name of Vaccine)________ vaccine being administered to (Name of Child)_________ is free from all known and yet unknown zoonotic or human viruses or viral fragments and will not cause acute or chronic illness in the recipient due to viral contamination or as a reaction to the components of this vaccine. (Signature of Physician and Date)_________.'' sourced with permission from
You can copy and translate the form into whatever
language you like and make the person giving the vaccine responsible for
any adverse reactions to yourself, child
or ward.
Another was the issuance of a form which states your
religious/moral objection to being administered with vaccines that have been
prepared unethically by making animals suffer, by inclusion of dead fetal
matter(human tissue from aborted fetuses), animal tissues from say horses, pigs
and monkeys just to name some.
Other websites you might gain more information on
vaccination and the myths surrounding its so called efficacy for mankind are in
the references at the end of the chapter. Also read how important scientific
data can be manipulated to show or skew information to suit agenda of the
globalists. One such example is the myth of the Polio vaccination.
Polio and consequences.
This vaccine produced by Jonas Salk as an oral syrup
actually caused more cases of Polio than it cured. It was also responsible for
the onset of meningitis in children especially in Third world countries, Brazil
being one of them.
The vaccine had incorporated in it a contaminant, one
of many such as you will learn, a virus called SV40(Simian Virus number 40).
Simian means monkeys. At one stage of preparation, African Green monkeys were
used to incubate the virus, but these monkeys, known or unknown to the
researchers were already down with so many other diseases. Among that was SV40
viral contaminants.
In order to sell its vaccines, the drug companies together
with their bedfellow the FDA, altered important information relating to its
efficacy. They made it such that only cases of death were reported, any adverse
reactions were classified as drugs given to weak patients and therefore not
recorded as such. The statistics of the polio vaccine were so altered as to
project that it was a cure and a miracle drug of the 20th century
and both Salk and Sabin were feted as heroes.
SV40 has now been implicated as an AIDS agent.
According to one
report, in northern Nigeria in 2003, the political and religious leaders of
Kano, Zamfara, and Kaduna states brought the immunization campaign to a halt
by calling on parents not to allow their children to be immunized. These
leaders argued that the vaccine could be contaminated with anti-fertility
agents (estradiol hormone), HIV, and cancerous agents.
In an article reported
by, a South African online news Website, Sule Ya'u
Sule, speaking for the governor of Kano, is quoted as saying:
“Since September 11,
the Muslim world is beginning to be suspicious of any move from the Western
world…Our people have become really concerned about polio vaccine”.
In the same article, Datti Ahmed, a
Kano-based physician who heads a prominent Muslim group, the Supreme Council
for Sharia in Nigeria (SCSN), is quoted as saying that polio vaccines were
“corrupted and tainted by evildoers from America and their Western allies.”
Ahmed went on to say:
“We believe that
modern-day Hitlers have deliberately adulterated the oral polio vaccines with
anti-fertility drugs and…viruses which are known to cause HIV and AIDS”.
The New York Sun reported that
this fear of polio vaccines in northern Nigeria “caught on because of the war
in Iraq”. Ali Guda Takai, a WHO doctor investigating polio cases in Kano,
told the Baltimore Sun,
“What is happening in the Middle East has aggravated the situation. If
America is fighting people in the Middle East, the conclusion is that they
are fighting Muslims”.
From the Book “Murder by injection” by Eustace Mullins-
page 10
“A distinctive feature of the AMA's allopathic school of
medicine was its constant self-advertisement and promotion of a myth, the
myth that its type of medicine was the only one which was effective. This
pernicious development created a new monster, the mad doctor as a person of
absolute infallibility, whose judgment
must never be questioned. Most certainly, his mistakes
must never be mentioned. As Ivan Ilyich has pointed out in his shocking book,
"Medical Nemesis, the Expropriation
of Health'' (1976), not only has the effectiveness of the allopathic
school of medicine proved to be the stuff of mythology, but the doctors have
now brought new plagues into being, illnesses which Ilyich defines as
causing a plague which he terms "iatrogenesis."
Ilyich claims that this plague is now sweeping this nation. He defines
iatrogenesis as an "illness which is caused by a doctor's medical
Ilyich goes on to define three commonly encountered types
of iatrogenesis; clinical iatrogenesis, which is a doctor-made illness;
social iatrogenesis, which is deliberately created by the machinations of the
medical-industrial complex; and cultural iatrogenesis, which saps the peoples
will to survive. Of the three types of
iatrogenesis, the third may be the most prevalent.”
How the Globalists
vaccinate for population control and genocide.
Another important
factor that played a role in the polio vaccine boycott was the general
distrust of aggressive, mass immunization programs in a country where access
to basic health care is not easily available. In his report for the Baltimore Sun, John Murphy
wrote: “The aggressive door-to-door mass immunizations that have slashed
polio infections around the world also raise suspicions. From a Nigerian's
perspective, to be offered free medicine is about as unusual as a stranger's
going door to door in America and handing over $100 bills. It does not make any
sense in a country where people struggle to obtain the most basic medicines
and treatment at local clinics” .
about Western health interventions were already circulating in northern
Nigeria, ahead of the polio vaccination boycott, in the wake of Pfizer's 1996
“Trovan trial”. The trial was discussed in detail in a BMJ feature entitled “Pfizer
accused of testing new drug without ethical approval” .
brief, the BMJ
reports that in 1996 Pfizer sent a team to Kano during an epidemic of
meningococcal meningitis. To test the efficacy of its new antibiotic
trovafloxacin (Trovan), the team conducted an open-label trial in 200
children—half were given the gold standard treatment for meningitis,
ceftriaxone, and half received trovafloxacin. Five of the children given
trovafloxacin died, together with six who were given ceftriaxone. The BMJ reported: “The Washington Post has been
investigating the trial and alleges that at least one child was not taken off
the experimental drug and given the standard drug when it was clear that her
condition was not improving—which is against ethical guidelines.” The BMJ reported that the
Nigerian health minister appointed a federal investigative panel to determine
whether the trial was conducted legally, and if so, whether it was morally
May 7, 2006, The Washington
Post reported that it had been privileged to see a secret report
of the panel's investigation, which alleged that Pfizer undertook an “illegal
trial of an unregistered drug” when the company enrolled children into the
Trovan trial . In response to the leaked report, Pfizer issued a press
statement saying: “Pfizer is confident that no one associated with the Trovan
clinical study—conducted in Kano, Nigeria during a meningitis epidemic in
1996—ever put a patient's health at risk and that the company acted in the
best interests of the children involved in the study, using the best medical
knowledge available” .
2001, 30 Nigerian families sued Pfizer in a federal court in New York The suit alleged: “Pfizer chose to select
children to participate in a medical experiment of a new, untested and
unproven drug without first obtaining their informed consent.” During the
following four years, Pfi zer argued that the case should not be heard in a United States
court at all . In August 2005, Southern District of New York Judge William H.
Pauley III agreed, ruling that Nigeria, not the US, was the proper place to
try a lawsuit over Pfizer's conduct in the Trovan trial
to John Murphy's report for the Baltimore
Sun, the Trovan trial may have left some Nigerians distrustful of
Western interventions: “Some of Kano's fears
of the vaccine stem from its experience with the U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer
Inc.” .
Protect Yourself and Your Baby: Get
a Flu Shot …... (are you kidding me CDC?)
Learn about the importance
of vaccination for pregnant women, vaccine safety and the benefits to newborn
children at Watch the latest in a series of Know What to Do About the Flu webcasts from Wednesday, October 13.(from
The above advertisement was
from the US government website. Flu jabs for pregnant women! Do you
want an autistic child? Some vaccines have a disclaimer that indicates some
idea of the danger you may be facing:
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted…..It is not known
whether [the vaccine] can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant
woman, or can affect reproductive capacity. [The vaccine]
has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for
impairment of fertility.
Knowing this, do you think
you need this vaccine for your loved ones?
Dr. Palevsky says in an interview with Dr Mercola:
“There is a scientist named
Boyd Haley, who has actually looked into some of the vaccine ingredients and
(1) what happens to nerve cells when you inject them in the lab to specific
vaccine ingredients, and (2) what happens to the nerve cells when you keep
adding another vaccine ingredient.
He specifically showed that in the presence of thimerosal, there’s a
lot of damage to nerve cells. When you add aluminum to the thimerosal, you need
less thimerosal to create the damage to the immune and nerve cells in the
presence of aluminum.
Then when you add neomycin – an antibiotic in some of the vaccines – it
potentiates the potency of nerve cell damage with aluminum and mercury
And when you culture the nerve cells and testosterone, versus estrogen,
and you expose them to some of the vaccine ingredients like thimerosal, you
actually see that the nerve cells that are exposed to testosterone are more damaged in greater
amounts than the nerve cells that are bathed in estrogen.
That raises some concern because we do see that children with
neurodevelopmental disorders are 4:1, boys to girls.
So you have to question whether testosterone actually makes children
more vulnerable to exposure to toxins like mercury, aluminum or their
None of these studies have been done in humans. People say, “We can’t
do those studies.” And I say, “Why not?” They say, “It’s unethical.”
I say, “Well, if it’s unethical to do those studies on vaccine
ingredients and combining them together, then it’s unethical to give the
vaccines in general.”
So we’re missing a lot of important data that we won’t believe, and
we’re also missing a lot of important data that we won’t accumulate because
most of the studies that are done are by the manufacturers of the vaccines
In Nigeria, the government
through local councils has deferred the use of vaccines because of complaints
received by states that the tetanus toxoid doses were compromised with human
chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) which is an anti fertility regulator hormone. It
was found in Nigeria as well
as in Brazil, Mexico,Thailand
and the Philippines
that these vaccines were tainted purposefully with hCG. [1,2]
They may have been introduced
into Indonesia under the guise of bird flu injections.Many cases of aborted
foetuses and still births as well as miscarriages in early pregnancy stages
were reported as a result of the use of these vaccines. All were administered
from suppliers overseen by WHO trusted drug companies which supplied these
The Akha of Thailand/Laos
and Genocide
One particular incident
stands out especially sorely. Native people of the Akha tribe[1] that live on
the Thailand/Laos border were subjected to this type of genocide! The women
were given tetanus injections after being told that if they refused their
children born would not be given birth
certificates! So this would cause them to lose out on Thai citizenship and
create a whole host of other social problems such as medical,welfare and education for their children when growing up.
Many reluctantly agreed and
as a result many suffered from miscarriages and still births after receiving
the injections. There is one documented interview with an Akha woman whose 8th
month baby was still born soon after recieving the jab. She said that before
the jab, she could feel the baby in her alive and kicking as it developed
normally. After the jab it moved less, stopped moving altogether and
subsequently was delivered still born soon after.
Those tribe members who hid
themselves and refused the jabs were better off as they were saved from these
conditions. Please see the many utube and google videos available on the net
about the Akha people.
Similar incidents were
reported in the Philippines
newspapers about Filipino women receiving these jabs and miscarrying soon
after[3,4]. The stories were soon killed in the papers because of vested
interests being compromised. Some politicians were probably making huge sums
selling these vaccines to their local health ministries.
Anyway this brave lady,
sister Mary Pilar Verzosa, a nun, documented the circumstances of the victims
and warned others as well as the catholic church which then took a stronger
stand on this issue. Her interview is recorded in the BBC documentary listed
wherein she speaks of the tremendous damage caused by these vaccines as they
were given to local women under the guise of tetanus injections, many of whom
have become sterile and have miscarried continuosly.[3,6]
In the abstract of his paper,
Dr. GP Talwar goes on to say that in order to be an effective depopulation
agent, there have to be several injections over a period of a few months[5].
This fits exactly with what the Akha people of Thailand experienced as well as
the Filipinos. Here is the abstract:
“We report here the use of an
alternative carrier diphtheria toxoid (DT) in human subjects to overcome
antigen-specific unresponsiveness upon immunization with a
hapten/ligand-carrier conjugate. In the phase I clinical trial of a birth
control vaccine using gonadotrophin subunits linked to tetanus toxoid, some of
the subjects failed to evoke a booster antibody response to human chorionic
gonadotrophin (hCG). Presentation of the ligand on DT instead in subsequent
immunizations restored anti-hCG response”[5].
Also in the Scandinavain
Journal of Immunology Volume 36, Issue Supplement he points out:
“Two vaccines inducing
antibodies against human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) have completed Phase I
clinical trials, indicating the reversibility and safety of these vaccines. One
is currently in Phase II efficacy trials in women in three major centres in
India. The available data suggest that the vaccine prevents pregnancy above
antibody titres of 50 ng/ml hCG bioneutralization capacity.”
These trials have been
supported by the WHO. This was in the 1990's. The work has since been completed
and the vaccines are in use.
It has been documented that
rats given the same treatment were unable to conceive for many months after a
single dose of tetanus toxoid laced with hCG was given.
The Human Chorionic
Gonadothropin Hormone(hCG)
This hormone is produced by
the initial onset of pregnancy in women. It is secreted by cells of the
developing embryo and this hormone affects the uterine lining making it more
engorged with blood, thickening it so that the fertilised ovum as it travels
down the fallopian tube can be implanted
successfully and grow to term in the thickened uterine lining.
The beta subunit of hCG.
It has been found after many
years of research conducted by WHO that this sub unit of the hCG can be made to
work against the human body. What has been done is to cause the human body to
produce antibodies to this hormone.
This is only possible when it
is linked with the tetanus moiety so that implantation of the fertilised egg is
stopped or the fetus is identified as a foreign object by the mother and
spontaneous abortion results. The hCG on its own will not cause antibodies to
it as it is a perfectly natural product.
References are provided on
the use of this method to curtail population growth, to do genocide and to
cause birth complications in human populations so targeted[5,6,7]. Please read
the works of Judith Richter called Vaccination against Pregnancy - Miracle
or Menace
The other chemical in the
dose is thimerosal which is itself a poison and
a population control agent. The effects of thimerosal on the human body
- Mental retardation leading to autism.
- Developmental toxicity - as the fetus develops various conditions may arise leading to more stress on the mother as well.
- Intrauterine complications leading to death of the fetus in utero.
- Malformations in the developmental aspect of the fetus.
- Low body weight upon birth.
- Growth retardation and abnormalities.
Thimerosal contains mercury
and this has been seen to cause deformities in the testis of men as well and
also to low sperm counts, low or non- motile sperms and to poor quality semen
Tricks used by WHO and
Globalists to induce vaccination[6]
Most people look to the US as
the world leader in scientific research and medicine. They think it represents
the gold standard in medical care. But that's not the case- it has never been
and never likely to be. The deception enhanced by Hollywood and the British
film industry as well can be seen easily once we realise that the major cause
of death in the US is due to adverse drug reactions caused by the doctors
In order to get the rest of
the world to follow the vaccination agenda these globalists have done the
- Vaccinate the US population so that the standard is set. This entails using the mass media to create fear and panic to induce the sheeple to undergo this. Then use Hollywood to produce movies to disseminate this to the rest of the world as well. Our “hero” is a vaccine scientist trying to help the world get rid of the Ebola virus, remember that movie with old man Dustin Hoffmann called Outbreak.
- Pass legislations and mandates to ensure that vaccination is required from birth! Certain countries and states will not allow a child to be schooled unless he has the required vaccines taken prior to entering school.
- This will establish the mindset that will ensure that almost all people will agree to be vaccinated if need be and make them bend to the will of the ruling state.
- The industrious use of toxic chemicals especially thimerosal in preparing the vaccines and others which can cause cancer(Polio and SV40) and other diseases.
- The rampant financial opportunity opens for big pharmaceutical companies to reap obscene profits from sicknesses they invented by these injections.
- The use of WHO spokespersons to encourage vaccination and brain-washing techniques to induce people.
- Exporting all this to third world countries by bribing their politicians and using trade restrictions to further the agenda. A carrot and stick approach!
Further, the US no longer
holds the Gold Standard or the moral high ground because of its classification
of “enemy combatants” and the outrageous
disregard shown to the Geneva Convention and the figure-head UN
secretary-generals that are installed by these mass-murdering genocidal
Well, one Gold Standard it
has held for many years and remains unchallenged to this day- that of Genocide!
It has fought in so many wars and lost countless men and maimed and destroyed
the lives of innocent bystanders and massacred so many different races starting
with the Native American Indians,the Mexicans, the Inuits,the Japanese,the
Koreans,the Chinese, the Vietnamese, the Arabs and now the muslims wherever
they might be.
Vaccination is another
form of genocide happening or waiting to happen!
Its much easier to kill with
a syringe the unknown human at the other end then to kill him with a bullet.
Its cheaper because a syringe can be loaded multiple times and the toxin given
can be supplied endlessly.
No need to put oneself on the
frontline in a real firefight.Let the vaccine kill for you.
The cost of a vaccination
programme on a certain country say Malaysia is in the US$ 10 million range. But
in order to kill the Malay race you have to bring in your B52's , your aircraft
carriers, your laser guided bombs and tactical nukes all developed at the
American tax payer's expense. All billion dollar issues.
Vaccination does this at the
fraction of the cost and with no harm to the perpertrators!
Just see the logistics as shown:
- US -Iraq war costs so far US$4 billion a month to run and this is since 2003.
- The Afghan war so far has cost US$1 Trillion!(up to June 2010)
- The planned Iran war will cost more because it is expected to be nuclear as well as conventional. The radioactive fallout will affect countries downstream of the wind direction as well as the whole world as the radioactive dust will affect the world and all ecosystems.
So now you know why killing on the quiet using
syringes is more effective. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has recently donated US$1 billion to
vaccinate Africa!
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York
Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.
It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we
had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the
work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world
government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world
bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in
past centuries."
Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting
of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.
"There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological
method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without
tears so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire
societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them,
but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to
rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by
pharmacological methods.And this seems to be the final revolution."
- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961.
- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961.
"For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many
thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United
States. But, he didn't. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it
were, were carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign
Relations-One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine
piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared "ammunition" in the
middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and
returned his internationalist political support.
"The UN is but a long-range, international banking
apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of
powerful One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.
"The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the
public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of
supply of call money in the New York money market....The One World Government
leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the
money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned
Federal Reserve Bank."
Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book, "My Exploited Father-in-Law"
Having had your doctors
educated in western allopathic medicine where vaccination is a key ingredient
and an 'important arsenal in human
health' we are seriously mistaken if we dont change their
mindset[9].Simple-minded people have to realise that our forefathers never had
to be vaccinated for anything and they were in good health because they had not
the toxic rubbish to eat which is now readily available.
Their food was fresh and not
laced with GM ingredients and milk was not pasteurised.
From Dr Mercola who asks:
Were Vaccines Really the ‘Savior’ Against Past
Conventional medicine
teaches that the polio and the smallpox epidemics went away because of the
vaccines, and that most of the diseases that we faced in the 20th century in the United States were brought down
because of the power, strength and the implementation of the vaccine policy.
Meanwhile, there are a
significant number of studies in the medical literature that actually show
there were many other reasons that these infectious diseases went away.
For example, one article
published in 2000 in the Pediatrics
Journal describes how, before the World War II, the majority of the
infectious diseases the US was faced with – such as diphtheria, tetanus, polio,
pertussis, measles, influenza, parapertussis, tuberculosis and scarlet fever –
were all reduced before World War II and BEFORE there were antibiotics and
vaccinations available to treat or to vaccinate against these diseases.
The reasons for the
reductions in incidence rates and mortality of these diseases were
predominantly due to the implementation of public health strategies, including:
· Clean water
· Better living conditions
· Improved sanitation
· Improved nutrition
There are many such
See A J Cronin's book THE
CITADEL[4] on how people improved their lives by fighting a corrupted sewerage system and government red
tape , all in the 1930's.
The Polio Vaccine
Contamination - Letter to Demand a Congressional Investigation
The Honorable Dan Burton
Chairman of the House Government Reform
Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness
U.S. House of Representatives
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Chairman of the House Government Reform
Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness
U.S. House of Representatives
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
to Demand a Congressional Investigation and Hearing on the Introduction of
Simian Virus 40 (SV40), a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, into the American
Population From Contaminated Polio Vaccines
Dear Representative Burton:
I am writing this letter on June 7, 2003. Exactly seven
years ago, on June 7, 1996, my son Alexander was born. He would die in my arms
30 months later in a little motel room in Houston, Texas as we, his parents,
tried desperately to safe his life. This letter is written in commemoration of
Alexander’s short life and the injustice that befell him and the cause of the
brain tumor (medulloblastoma) that killed him.
This letter is also the result of four long years of
struggle by myself and my husband to find out why our beautiful healthy young
son would be stricken by cancer. Now, our lawsuit against the manufacturer of
the oral polio vaccine, American Home Products, (i.e. Lederle), has come to a
close.[1] As a result, much of the information that has been under a protective
order for over three years has been entered into the public record through our
legal documents filed with the Federal Court for the Central District of
California in Los Angeles.[2] What happened to Alexander is not an isolated
event. We contend that his death was caused by a Public Health Disaster that
has befallen others and will continue to kill children until it is addressed.
On August 12, 1999, we wrote you when you where Chairman
of the Committee on House Government Reform in support of your investigations
into pediatric vaccines - Vaccines; Finding the Balance Between Public Safety
and Personal Choice. In this letter we described how various childhood
vaccines contain known carcinogens and yet not a single vaccine is tested for
carcinogenicity. While shampoos and cosmetics are tested to see if they
cause cancer, incredibly, biological substances that are squirted or injected
into healthy infants and children have never been tested.
On June 7, 2000, My husband and I also appeared before
your Committee to discuss the FDA’s control of effective non-toxic pediatric
cancer therapies in Cancer Care for The New Millenium - Integrative Oncology.
During our sworn testimony we described how Alexander suffered enormously and
unnecessarily as a result of the administration of four toxic but ineffective
chemotherapy drugs (vincristine, cytoxan, etoposide, and cisplatin - Protocol
CCG 9921). We described how the FDA would not allow our son to have access to a
non-toxic cancer therapy that offered him the best chance of saving his life.
We presented photographs to your Committee that demonstrated how Alexander
struggled to stay alive and then suffered a horrific death.
From your own considerable effort in investigating vaccine
production, testing, and safety you know that childhood vaccines contain
formaldehyde (i.e. formalin), mercury (i.e. thimerosal), aluminum, and other
toxic substances. In addition, vaccines can also contain animal viruses --
contaminants from the animal substrates upon which the vaccines are
manufactured. One of these viruses, a monkey virus called Simian Virus 40 is
carcinogenic and found its way into the oral polio vaccine (OPV) and the
inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) in the late 1950's and early 1960's. Such an
event was not surprising because monkey kidneys contain a multitude of simian
viruses and the polio vaccine is grown on monkey kidney cells.
The oral polio vaccine is a "live" trivalent
vaccine which means that it contains three strains of poliovirus - Types I, II,
and III, and each strain is attenuated (i.e. weakened). Dr. Albert Sabin, who
was responsible for the creation of the licensed OPV, had to passage[3] his
poliovirus strains through a myriad of animals and animal host cells in order
to attain the right virulence -- strong enough to illicit an immune response,
but sufficiently attenuated so as to not cause polio in the recipient. For
example, Type I has the following lineage:
In 1941, Drs. Francis and Mack isolated the Mahoney
poliovirus "from the pooled feces of three healthy children in
Cleveland." [4] Dr. Salk then passed this strain through fourteen living
monkeys and two cultures of monkey testicular cultures.[5] In 1954, the strain
(now called Monk14 T2) was given to Drs. Li and Schaeffer who subjected the
virus to nine more passages through monkey testicular cultures.[6] Next, the
strain (now called Monk14 T11) underwent fifteen more passages in monkey
testicular cultures, eighteen passages in monkey kidney cells, two passages
through living rhesus monkeys skin, and additional passages through African
Green monkey skin and monkey kidney cell cultures.[7] This strain was now
called MS10 T43 and LS-c. In 1956, Dr. Sabin took this virus and passaged it
through seven cultures of African Green Monkey kidney cells.[8] That same year,
the pharmaceutical company, Merck, Sharp & Dohme, passed the strain (now
called LS-c, 2ab/KP2) through a rhesus monkey kidney cell culture.[9] The
resulting material was called Sabin Original Merck (SOM) and was provided to
Lederle in 1960 as the seed material to manufacture its polio vaccine.
Types II and III were created in a similar fashion.[10]
Once the strains were isolated, the pharmaceutical
companies needed a method to propagate the viruses in order to produce the vast
quantities of vaccine needed for nation-wide immunization campaigns. This
required a substrate upon which the poliovirus could be efficiently grown and
harvested. Kidney cells from rhesus monkeys were chosen because they were found
to be an effective growth medium.[11] A small quantity of poliovirus could be
added to the minced kidneys removed from these monkeys and within a few days,
large quantities of poliovirus could then be harvested from these same monkey
Between 1959 and 1960, Bernice Eddy, Ph.D., of the
National Institute of Health (NIH) examined minced rhesus monkey kidney cells
under a microscope.[12] These were the cells of the same species of monkeys
used to create and produce the oral polio vaccine. Dr. Eddy discovered that the
cells would die without any apparent cause. She then took suspensions of the
cellular material from these kidney cell cultures and injected them into
hamsters. Cancers grew in the hamsters.[13] Within a few months, the virus
responsible for creating these cancers would be isolated and identified by Dr.
Eddy and other scientists. Because it was the 40th simian virus found it was
named simian virus 40 (SV40).
According to the FDA:
The discovery in 1960 that a DNA tumor virus, designated
simian virus 40 (SV40), was an inadvertent contaminant of rhesus monkey cells,
and consequently the poliovirus and adenovirus vaccines that were made in these
cells, was a watershed event in vaccine development ... "[14]
By 1960, the Salk injectable polio vaccine (IPV) had been
administered to about 98 million American children and adults, and Sabin’s oral
polio vaccine (OPV) had been administered to about 10,000 Americans and
millions in the USSR where the clinical trials had been conducted.[15] It was
estimated that 10% to 30% of the vaccines contained live SV40.[16] The federal
agency in charge of vaccine licensing and safety at the time was the Division
of Biologics Standards (DBS) of the National Institute of Health (NIH).[17]
Incredibly, this agency did not order a recall of any of the SV40-contaminated
vaccines.[18] The tainted vaccines continued to be administered until 1963 when
they were all used and replaced by allegedly SV40-free vaccines as required by
the new federal regulations promulgated in 1961.[19]
[1] The case was Horwin v. American Home Products,
American Cyanamid Company, Lederle Laboratories, Case No. CV00-04523 WJR (EX),
United States District Court for the Central District of California originally
filed on January 31, 2000. The District Court Judge decided that the testimony
of the plaintiffs' experts on the issue of whether SV40 caused Alexander's
tumor was admissible under the Daubert standard. (United States District Court
Central District of California
Tentative Ruling Case No. CV00-04523 WJR (EX), Daubert Motion, Thursday May 8,
2003.) Nonetheless, the judge excluded critical evidence related to the source
of SV40 because it believed that it could require that all exhibits used to
qualify a witness under Daubert be identified in a FRCP Rule 26(a)(2)
disclosure. After excluding critical evidence, the court decided that since
there was no direct evidence that the dose of Orimune administered to Alexander
was contaminated that the expert's opinion was inadmissible under Daubert. As a
result, the judge granted the defendant's (Lederle's) motion for summary
[2] The defendant asked for and was granted a Protective
Order. As a result, all of its production documents cannot be quoted directly
or shared with Congress, the media, or health authorities. However, our motions
and pleadings are in the Court Record and have not been put under a Protective
Order. Therefore, we are able to cite our own arguments set-out in these
papers. We believe this Protective Order should be lifted because public health
interests should take precedence over the interests of pharmaceutical
[3] Passage is defined as the introduction of infectious
material into an experimental animal or culture medium followed by recovery of
the infectious agent. Dorland's Medical Dictionary, 25th edition, page 1146.
[4]A.B. Sabin, A.B. & L. Boulger, History of Sabin
Attenuated Poliovirus Oral Live Vaccine Strains. 1 J. Biol. Stand. 115, 115 --
18 (1973). The Mahoney virus was isolated in 1941 by Drs. Fancis and Mack.
[6] Id.
[7] Id
[8] Id
[9] Id
[11]M.R. Hilleman, Discovery of Simian Virus (SV40) and
its Relationship to Poliomyelitis Virus Vaccines, in Simian Virus 40 (SV40): A
Possible Human Polyomavirus, 94 Dev. Biol. Stand. 183 -- 90 (F. Brown &
A.M. Lewis eds., 1998).
[12]Bernice E. Eddy, Tumors Produced in Hamsters by SV40,
21 Fed’n Proc 930, 930 -- 35 (1962) [hereinafter Eddy I]; Bernice E. Eddy et
al., Identification of the Oncogenic Substance in Rhesus Monkey Kidney Cell
Cultures as Simian Virus 40, 17 Virology 65 -- 75 (1962) [hereinafter Eddy et
al. II]; Edward Shorter, The Health Century 195 -- 99 (1987).
[13]Eddy I, supra note 34, at 930; Eddy et al. II, supra
note 34, at 65.
[14] Simian Virus 40 (SV40): A Possible Human
Polyomavirus, Developments in Biological Standardization Vol. 94, 1998.
[15]Institute of Medicine of the National Academies,
Immunization Safety Review: SV40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine and Cancer 4,
21 (Kathleen Stratton et al. eds., 2002), (last visited May 26, 2003)
[hereinafter Immunization Safety Review].
[17]National Institutes of Health (NIH) Division of
Biologics Standards (DBS) was a forerunner of today’s Center for Biologics
Evaluation and Research (CBER). Paul Parkman, Harry Meyer, Jr., MD Lecture,
CBER Centennial -- Slide Presentation (Sept. 23 -- 24, 2002), at (last visited May 26, 2003).
"The transfer of DBS to the Food and Drug Administration took place in
1972." Id. The DBS became the FDA’s Bureau of Biologics (BoB). Id.
"Later incarnations of this organization included the Center for Drugs and
Biologics (CDB) and finally, the present day Center for Biologics Evaluation
and Research (CBER)." Id.
[18]Immunization Safety Review, supra note 45, at 21.
In 1961, federal regulations were implemented to ensure
that SV40 would no longer contaminate the polio vaccine. Despite these
regulations, we contend that the OPV has been sporadically contaminated with
SV40 for the last four decades. As a result, we allege that some of the
children who have been administered the contaminated vaccines have been
stricken with cancer and others are at risk. The main points are summarized
1) SV40 (Simian Virus Number 40) is a cancer causing monkey
virus found in the kidney cells of Rhesus and African Green Monkeys. The kidney
cells of these two species of monkeys comprise the substrate that has been used
to create poliovirus strains and manufacture the oral polio vaccine for four
2) SV40 is a human carcinogen for brain cancer and
mesothelioma and it is a suspected carcinogen in osteosarcomas (bone cancers)
and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas.[21]
3) Alexander was administered the OPV in November 1997. He
was diagnosed with a brain tumor in August 1998. Alexander died on January 31,
4) Four independent laboratories using DNA testing and
laser micro-dissection found SV40 in Alexander’s brain tumor.
5) SV40 has been found in the cancers of many other
children. Pediatric brain tumors and other childhood cancers including
osteosarcomas (bone cancer) and Non-Hodgkins Lymphomas have been found to
contain SV40.[22]
6) When Alexander was born on June 7th, 1996, I had his cord
blood saved and stored by a private laboratory. The cord blood was the blood
shared by Alexander and myself at the time of Alexander's birth. We had this
blood tested for SV40. This marked the very first time the cord blood of a
child with an SV40 positive brain tumor would be tested for SV40. To the
astonishment of the scientists it was negative for SV40. This suggested that at
the time Alexander was born he had not been exposed to SV40.
7) It is known that SV40 can be spread through contaminated
blood so my husband and myself underwent a battery of tests from 2000 to 2001.
Using a variety of sophisticated DNA tests to isolate the genetic fingerprint
of the SV40 virus including Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), the scientists
checked blood, urine and semen multiple times looking for any trace of SV40
(even antibodies). The scientists were once again surprised. Despite the
repeated tests by leading SV40 laboratories both in the United States and
Europe, we had absolutely no trace of SV40.
8) The scientists concluded that Alexander did not get SV40
from his parents, nor did he give SV40 to us.
9) The original oral polio vaccine (OPV) seed stocks
created by Dr. Albert Sabin and used to make OPV since 1961 were known to be
contaminated with SV40. In fact, SV40 was isolated from Sabin's OPV seeds - the
original material used to make OPV for four decades.[23]
10) Dr. Sabin had admitted that OPV seeds were contaminated
with SV40 in a peer-reviewed scientific publication.[24] Dr. Sabin wrote,
"The three types of the large lots produced by Merck, Sharp and Dohme in
rhesus monkey kidney cell cultures contained SV40."[25]
11) Lederle, the sole American manufacturer of OPV for many
years, received their OPV seeds from Merck, Sharp and Dohme. There is no
evidence that Lederle ever tested their seeds for SV40 nor discarded their
presumably contaminated seed stocks.
12) There are Lederle documents (not under a protective
order) that demonstrate that their early OPV vaccines were contaminated with
13) Lederle did not use the SV40-neutralization procedures
recommended by Dr. Sabin.[27]
14) Monkeys used to produce OPV were not tested for SV40 by
Lederle because of economic considerations.[28]
15) After reviewing all of the Lederle records and the
Lederle systems in place, our expert concluded that the contamination detected
in the OPV material ultimately administered to Alexander was SV40.[29]
16) The medical literature is unequivocal -- the pediatric
brain cancer rate in the U.S. has been climbing at a rate of approximately 3%
for the last four decades.
17) A recent study has demonstrated that 11% of Americans
are currently infected or have been infected with SV40.[30]
SV40 is not only responsible for causing the cancer, but
also for making these particular cancers incurable. Orthodox cancer therapies
such as chemotherapy and radiation can not cure an SV40 positive cancer.
Pediatric brain cancers and other solid cancers have been found to contain
SV40. SV40 binds with the tumor suppressor genes p53 and RB and stops tumor
cells from undergoing apoptosis (programmed cell death).[31] Apoptosis is what
radiation and chemo depend on to work in order to trigger the cancer cell to
die.[32] Exposing SV40 positive cancer cells to chemo and radiation does not
kill the cells but simply creates more genetic mutations - making the cancer
more aggressive. The bottom-line is that SV40 causes human cancer, stops
orthodox cancer therapies (i.e. chemo and radiation) from providing any
benefit, and can make the cancer even more aggressive.
Despite these facts, children diagnosed with cancer are
not given a choice of whether they should undergo debilitating and toxic chemo
and radiation. Alexander should have been tested for SV40 upon his diagnosis,
not after he died. He should not have been administered ineffective and
unnecessary chemotherapy which provided no benefit and only made him suffer.
Children with SV40 positive cancers (or p53 mutations) should not be used as
guinea pigs and profit centers for pediatric oncologists, hospitals, and
pharmaceutical companies.
A Congressional Hearing should be immediately convened to
examine how a federally policed vaccine program has introduced a deadly monkey
virus into countless American men, women and children for the past 45 years and
what the public health consequences have been of this tragedy.
This government investigation should demand to know:
Why a vaccine manufacturer was allowed to use
vaccine seed stocks for four decades that came from a source contaminated with
Why did this manufacturer violate federal
regulations and allowed contaminated vaccines to be released?
Why weren't sophisticated tests to detect SV40
during OPV production and to eliminate the virus ever required by the federal
Why aren't children with cancer tested for SV40
when they are diagnosed, not when they are dead, because an SV40 positive
cancer means that chemo and radiation will be ineffective?
Why is there a significant percentage of
Americans (children and adults) walking around with evidence of having had an
SV40 infection and what does that mean for their risk of cancer and chances for
a successful treatment?
Like our son, many children are already dead, victims of
this virus, and many adults will be stricken later. Time is of the essence, not
for our beloved Alexander anymore, but for other children who are infected with
this cancer causing virus.
Raphaele Moreau-Horwin M.A., M.F.S. Michael Horwin, M.A.,
[20] A.B. Sabin, A.B. & L. Boulger, History of Sabin
Attenuated Poliovirus Oral Live Vaccine Strains. 1 J. Biol. Stand. 115, 115 --
18 (1973).
[21] Adi F. Gazdar et al., SV40 and Human Tumours: Myth,
Association or Causality?, 2 Nat. Rev. Cancer 957, 957 -- 64 (2002).
In addition, in July 2002, the National Academy of Science
Institute of Medicine (IOM) Immunization Safety Committee convened a study into
SV40 and cancer which culminated in a report published in October 2002.
According to the IOM report "SV40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine and Cancer":
The committee concludes that the biological evidence is strong that SV40 is a
transforming [i.e., cancer-causing] virus, . . . that the biological evidence
is of moderate strength that SV40 exposure could lead to cancer in humans under
natural conditions, [and] that the biological evidence is of moderate strength
that SV40 exposure from the polio vaccine is related to SV40 infection in
humans. See Immunization Safety Review: SV40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine and
[22] John A. Lednicky and Janet S. Butel, Simian virus 40
regulatory region structural diversity and the association of viral archetypal
regulatory regions with human brain tumors, Semin Cancer Biol. 2001
Feb;11(1):39-47. Bharat Jasani, et al., Association of SV40 with human tumours,
Semin Cancer Biol. 2001 Feb;11(1):49-61.
[23] See Sara Stinebaugh and Joseph Melnick, Plaque
Formation by Vacuolating Virus SV40, Virology Vol. 16, March 1962 ("The
strain of virus (SV40) used was isolated from Sabin's lot of type 2 oral
poliomyelitis vaccine . . . ."); Asaria Ashkenazi and Joseph L. Melnick,
Induced Latent Infection of Monkeys with Vacuolating SV40 Papova Virus: Virus
in Kidneys and Urine, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and
Medicine, Vol. 111, October-December 1962 ("The [SV40] virus used was
isolated from Sabin's seed stock of type 3 oral polio-vaccine. . . .")
[24] A.B. Sabin, A.B. & L. Boulger, History of Sabin
Attenuated Poliovirus Oral Live Vaccine Strains. 1 J. Biol. Stand. 115, 115 --
18 (1973).
[25] Id.
[26] These documents are attached as exhibits to the
Declaration of Stanley P. Kops in Support of Plaintiff's Motion For
Reconsideration (Case No. CV-00-04523 WJR (Ex) Pending in the U.S. District
Court for the Central District of California.)
[27] Declaration of Stanley
P. Kops in Support of Plaintiff's Motion For Reconsideration (Case No.
CV-00-04523 WJR (Ex) Pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central
District of California.)
[28] From Brown v. Lederle; Civil Action 73-1920.
Deposition of Dr. Ronald Vallancourt of July 24, 1975. Dr. Vallancourt, the
responsible head of American Cyanamid, testified that the reason for the lack
of testing of the monkey sera for SV40 was based on economic considerations.
[29] Declaration of Stanley
P. Kops in Support of Plaintiff's Motion For Reconsideration (Case No.
CV-00-04523 WJR (Ex) Pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central
District of California.)
[30] D.E. Rollison, et al., Serum Antibodies to JC Virus,
BK Virus, Simian Virus 40, and the Risk of Incident Adult Astrocytic Brain
Tumors, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2003 May;12(5):460-3.
[31] S.D. Conzen, et al, Identification of a novel
antiapoptotic functional domain in simian virus 40 large T antigen, J Virol.
1997 Jun;71(6):4536-43; J.W. Ludlow, Interactions between SV40 large-tumor
antigen and the growth suppressor proteins pRB and p53,FASEB J. 1993
Jul;7(10):866-71; Michele Carbone, et al., The pathogenesis of mesothelioma,
Semin Oncol. 2002 Feb;29(1):2-17.
[32] The Chemotherapy Source Book 4 (Michael C. Perry ed.,
3d ed. 2001). One tumor gene in particular, p53 is designed to kill cells
through apoptosis or "cell suicide" so that mutated cells to not lead
to cancer through uncontrolled multiplication and metastasis. Chemotherapy and
radiation depend, to a large degree, on p53. Id.
Conflicts of Interest
WHO's Swine Flu Pandemic Bluff
The higher echelon scientists lead by Dr Margaret
Chan, very willingly cooperated with the Big Pharma to rack up the alert level
from a Class 5 alert to a Class 6. This would mean that a pandemic was declared
to all the world and that WHO was empowered to take all necessary steps to
ensure compliance with its mandates as per the UN charter which all members
states have signed.
What is a pandemic? A global conflagration that
threatens mankind and death is expected to occur in the thousands if not
Who benefits from this whole incident? No matter how
you look at it , the drug companies were in a win-win situation. This is just
what happened:
US government ordered 170 million doses of the swine flu vaccines from
the drug companies, following closely behind was the british poodle, the UK and some
countries in the ASEAN framework.
These countries
encouraged their populations to go for flu shots. Each flu shot against the
H1N1 virus cost an average of $40.
Of the 170
million doses ordered in the US only about 80 million were used or readied for
use. The others were left in storehouses where they began to deteriorate as the
government had miscalculated these to be rapidly used by all.
The Ontario
provincial government of Canada spent an estimated US$2 billion on the whole
shebang. Ontario's
former Chief Medical Officer has angrily declared that the money was wasted and
that the H1N1 pandemic was a “dud”[7].
The US has 'very
kindly' decided to donate almost all existing flu shots to Third World
countries in Africa. There seem to be no takers to this 'generous' gesture.
China already had its almost fatal scare back in
2004/2005 when the first bird/swine flu epidemic was on. Malaysia had its first
case in August 2004.
I remember friends telling me that China had the worst
toilets in the world. That was before the 2004 epidemic, now some toilets are
very clean because I saw them myself in Shenzhen in 2006.
China learned quickly, realizing that it
had to fete the 2008 Olympic games as well. So why not go the whole hog and
place workers to make the toilets really clean!
WHO and the 2009 Pandemic that never was.
The 2009 swine flu scare that was termed a Phase 6
before failing to kill millions was a real con job perpetrated by some of the
WHO higher echelon staff with vested interests in the vaccine and
pharmaceutical industries. Who were they?
- Nancy Cox working as a scientist at CDC (US Center for Disease Control) doing vaccine research and given grants by the drug companies under the umbrella organization of International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) . She is essentially a vaccination industry proponent.
- Maria Zambon, professor at the UK Health Protection Agency Center for Infection. She has received money in the form of grants from Sanofi, Novartis, CSL, Baxter and GlaxoSmithKline. All these are major drug companies whose profits were in the trillions of dollars.
- Arnold Monto, professor from the United States who has received grant money from GSK, Novartis, Roche, Baxter and Sanofi Pasteur.
- John Wood works at UK's National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC). He has received money from Sanofi Pasteur, Novartis and several others dealing in influenza vaccine research.
- Neil Ferguson, another scientist who has accepted money from Roche and GSK.
Based on the above higher echelon staff advising WHO ,
do you seriously think that they will not support vaccination? It seems that
their bread is buttered on the side of the Big Pharmaceutical companies.
When is a disease a pandemic? According to WHO, it is
as on the website:-
“an enormous number of deaths and cases of the disease" -- until
May 4, 2009. That was when a CNN reporter pointed out the discrepancy between
this description and the generally mild course of the swine flu. The language
was quickly removed.
That is WHO removed the words “enormous numbers of
deaths....” to suit its own agenda with the drug companies.
Historically speaking there were 3 flu pandemics with
many deaths in the 20th century. These were:
In 1918-1919 the Spanish flu caused the deaths of more
than 500,000 people in the US as well as an estimated world-wide death toll of
50 million.
· In 1957-58 the Asian flu caused the deaths of millions
worldwide. It was not as severe in terms of deaths as the Spanish Flu.
· In 1968-1969
there were about 35,000 deaths from the Hong Kong flu.
Scientists who were into germ warfare have isolated
the Spanish flu virus from the bodies of dead German soldiers from WW1. A few
dead soldiers were so well preserved in the trenches in which they died that
one could say that they were sleeping! Their uniforms were preserved intact as
All this was possible because as the soldiers died
where they lay, the soil subsided and fell into the permafrost zone where even
in summer, the temperature of the ground
in this location is below freezing.
The same principle applies to the case of the Woolly
Mammoths, a giant elephant-like creature that lived in the steppes of Asia
about 10,000 years ago. Uncovered
Mammoth meat has been eaten by animals like wolves and dogs as well as by man.
Mammoth ivory from the tusks is available at a premium price.
scientists took out lung tissue from the dead soldiers and isolated the
DNA of the virus. There are reports that the swine flu virus was actually made
in the lab by splicing bird, pig and human DNA fragments (see Dr Day's
website). This was released to generate
death and panic, feeding the agenda for WHO domination towards a New World
A report from the German magazine Der Spiegel lists the fact that the Swine Flu episode in
2009 was premeditated:
"The pharmaceutical industry did not
influence any of our decisions," says Fukuda. But in mid-May, about three
weeks before the swine flu was declared a pandemic, 30 senior representatives
of pharmaceutical companies met with WHO Director-General Chan and United
Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at WHO headquarters. The official reason
for the meeting was to discuss ways to ensure that developing countries would
be provided with pandemic vaccine. But at this point in time the vaccine
industry was mainly interested in one question: the decision to declare phase
W.H.O.'s genocide.
hung on this decision. At stake was nothing less than a move to supply large
segments of the world's population with flu vaccine. Phase 6 acted as a switch
that would allow bells on the industry's cash registers to ring, risk-free. That's
because many pandemic vaccine contracts had already been signed. Germany, for
example, signed an agreement with the British firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in
2007 to buy its pandemic vaccine -- as soon as phase 6 was declared. This
agreement could explain why Professor Roy Anderson, one key scientific advisor
to the British government, declared the swine flu a pandemic on May 1. What he
neglected to say was that GSK was paying him an annual salary of more than
€130,000 ($177,000).”
Read more:
Read more:
Also see Spiegel Online Edition, March 12, 2010.Reconstruction of a Mass Hysteria - The Swine Flu Panic of
Source: WHO website.
Under a Phase 5 situation, the drug companies
producing the flu shots were responsible
for any adverse side effects that could arise from administering the vaccines.
People have died from such flu shots all the while thinking that they may be
safer after taking a vaccine. Women have aborted fetuses to show. There were
more than 3000 such cases so far in the US on the crest of the H1N1
scaremongering in 2009.
In a Phase 6 WHO alert, all drug companies are
absolved of liability to recipients of the vaccine. Anyone who may die or experience severe trauma as a
result of taking the vaccine cannot sue these drug companies as the whole
episode is regarded as a National Emergency. Its like trying to sue Japan for attacking Pearl
Harbor! So you can see WHO Director-General Margaret Chan lost no
time in quickly declaring a Level 6 Pandemic when none actually existed.
Having a cold does not mean you have swine flu!
The reported deaths so far due to the swine flu have
been around 200 cases in the whole world. Is this a pandemic?[7]Do not be
confused with seasonal flu and swine flu. These are separate entities. Although
similar as in flu but the difference lies in the complexity and severity of the
disease. Not all cases of flu are swine flu. To confirm swine flu a separate
battery of tests is needed. This is because the strain is different from
seasonal flu which is not severe generally. Seasonal flu will give you a runny
nose, some cough and a sore throat before you start to recover. Swine flu is
more dangerous and can kill. Lab tests can only confirm swine flu and these
have not been done on many cases of flu so the numbers for swine flu end up
inflated and the drug companies happily proclaim a pandemic with WHO support.
That was not all, by calling it a pandemic, WHO
ensured that countries who had previously signed MOU's with the drug companies
had to pay for the flu vaccines as the agreement kicked in the moment Phase 6
was declared. So who were the suckers?
Germany, some European
countries, US, Mexico, some ASEAN
countries and China
just to name a few.
And who paid for the vaccines? Not the politicians but
the people, the taxpayers lost billions in paying for these untested chemicals
waiting to be injected into the docile, unsuspecting public.
Czech scientists smelled a rat early in the episode.
They had found out through tests of their own that some of the vaccines were
contaminated with live viruses. They
refused to allow the vaccines to be used on their population.
Dr. Ewa Kopacz - Polish Health Minister(since 2007)
it my duty to sign agreements that are in the interest of Poles, or in the
interest of the pharmaceutical companies?" One brave lady!
According to the same report from Der Spiegel,
the Polish Health Minister also smelled a rat and in the Polish parliament(the
Sejm) she said:
a doctor, my first obligation is to harm no one," she said. For this
reason, she added, Poland was not going to follow in the rest of Europe's
footsteps. "We will not purchase any vaccine against the swine flu. Is it
my duty to sign agreements that are in the interest of Poles, or in the
interest of the pharmaceutical companies?" she asked.
The Dangers of Adjuvants
are materials either chemicals as in aluminium phosphate, aluminium hydroxide or
in natural form as in squalene – a protein from shark liver- that are added to
vaccines to cause the body to become immunologically more sensitive.
This may result in overworking of the immune response
to the 'desired' level in most people or it may result in adverse effects as is
now more common. An overworked immune system is not efficient, it is
compromised as the system is artificially stimulated to produce antibodies. It
may stimulate cancerous growth instead as the body is best understood only by the Maker(GOD) and no one
Adverse reactions can lead to miscarriages in pregnant
women, loss of mobility in limbs, rashes,vomiting, headaches,fever and even
convulsions and death[1].
All these indications would lead one to question the
safety of vaccines because these chemicals are being pumped into humans and
these have NOT been tested before on human beings. This will ultimately lead to
liver and kidney toxicity and to greater damage of the immune system.
But the reported adverse reactions have not been shown
on the media or the major newspapers. There were reportedly more than 3000
miscarriages from pregnant women who had taken the flu shots! These were
reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)
in the United States. These figures are only for the US but what about the rest
of the world. [3]
As in the case
of a recent event in September, 2010 in Ghaziabad,
India [5] where
the mother fainted after hearing that
her twin infant daughters had died shortly after being given an MMR jab by a
doctor. The doctor who worked for the government hospital ran away and police
are investigating.
Akhil Sharma, an uncle of the twins, said: “I took
them for the vaccination around 6 pm on Wednesday. They were given the
vaccination around 7.15 pm. In 15 minutes, the children started breathing
heavily. We rushed to the doctor who gave them oxygen. But the babies had died
by then.”
The Indian Medical Association’s local president Dr
Santosh Aggrawal, who visited the hospital after the incident, confirmed that
the health of the twins deteriorated after being administered the vaccine. “The
doctor had a fresh supply of the vaccine. Still there could be something wrong
with the batch of vaccines. Similar deaths have been reported from Kanpur and Lucknow,”
he added.
Each batch of vaccine is different from another
because the degree of contamination cannot be measured accurately by any means
now. What the drug companies are doing is just plain using humans as guinea pigs
for their studies and the subsequent data is compiled in their adverse
reactions file[3].
In another report from The Helsinki Times of 24th
August 2010, Finland’s
National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has suspended the use of the
H1N1 vaccine fearing that the vaccine is linked with a 300 per cent increase in
cases of neurological disorders called Narcolepsy, among children and young
people over the last six months[6].
Would you trust a drug company to deliver you a packet
of health or death?
Are you playing Russian roulette with the vaccine
profiteers? You stand to lose more than your sanity because a lost loved one
cannot come back and is gone forever. These companies are only interested in
profits. Can they bring back the dead? You should err on the side of caution!
If you knew that the Bhopal tragedy in India where
more than 30,000 people died from the gas leak from the Union Carbide factory
accident and thousands more were maimed did not generate any sympathy from the
factory owners, do you think these drug companies will sympathize with you?
What has
happened so far? It has been about 30 years, has the American CEO of the Union
Carbide company been apprehended? Both answers are NO! Have the victims been
compensated adequately? Again NO!
You can be sure that in the event of someone getting
an adverse reaction, all complications will be
attributed to other causes so that they can get away with the billions
they make off people's suffering. They will use their control of media to lie
and manipulate people so that their point of view, no matter how ridiculous, is
Thimerosal and hCG
[2] Birth control vaccines by
G P Talwar and Raj Raghupathy.
[3] The Human Laboratory- BBC
transcript Nov 5th, 1995.(interview with Mary Pilar Verzosa)
[4] Protecting adolescent
girls against tetanus – British Medical Journal(BMJ) 1995,
vol. 311:pp 73-74(8th
[5] Bypass by an alternate
'carrier' of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immunization with
tetanus-conjugated vaccine.Talwar GP et al.
Department of Medicine, Division of Immunology
and Rheumatology, Stanford University Medical
School, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
Int. Immunol. (1990) 2
(2): 151-155. Oxford
University Press.
[6] The inherent racism of
Population Control – Paul Jalsevac.
[7] Development of a hormone
neutralizing vaccine using GnRH-glycy-PPD, for use in treatment of
oestrogen-dependant disorders. Ferro VA, O'Grad JE, Notman J, Stimson WH. (University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow U.K.)
1: Ther Immunol 1995 Jun
:2(3): pp147-157.
[8] Neonatal Immunization
against Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone(GnRH) results in diminished GnRH
secretion in adulthood. Clarke et al. Endocrinology Vol 139,no.4.
[9] Murder by Injection-
Eustace Mullins. Please see also his video interviews available on Utube and
[10] Relationship between
semen parameters and Mercury concentrations in blood and in seminal fluid for
sub-fertile males in Hong Kong. Choy et al. Fertil Steril (2002)
[11] Impact of heavy metals
and immunological factors in women with repeated miscarriages. Gerhard et al.
Human Reprod 1998 4(3) : pp301-309.
[12] How £300million was squandered on swine flu jabs
that we didn't need – Jenny Hope , Daily Mail 7th April 2010.
Adjuvants,Vaccine Deaths
and Swine Flu
Petrik MS, Wong
MC, Tabata RC, Garry RF, Shaw CA (2007). "Aluminum adjuvant linked to gulf
war illness induces motor neuron death in mice". Neuromolecular Med 9
(1): 83–100.
Fisher BL. Congressional Testimony: The
SV-40 Virus: Has Tainted Polio Vaccine Caused an Increase in Cancer?
U.S. House Government Reform Committee. September 10, 2003.
National Vaccine
Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Claims Filed and Compensated or Dismissed by Vaccine.
(up to May 5, 2010). and Statistics Report: Awards Paid (as of June 7, 2010).
A J Cronin author
of The Citadel. Please read about how a small community overcomes a
cholera epidemic. Also made into a movie.
5. Twins die minutes after measles vaccination by P Kaushika. Indian Express of 17th September 2010.
H1N1 a 'dud' pandemic Ontario health
official says.
CBCNews , Thursday, November
12th, 2009.
Test footnote area
Each batch of vaccine is different from another
because the degree of contamination cannot be measured accurately by any means
now. What the drug companies are doing is just plain using humans as guinea
pigs for their studies and the subsequent data is compiled in their adverse
reactions file.
In another report from The Helsinki Times of 24th
August 2010, Finland’s
National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has suspended the use of the
H1N1 vaccine fearing that the vaccine is linked with a 300 per cent increase in
cases of neurological disorders called Narcolepsy, among children and young people
over the last six months.
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