Who is the "real" philanthropist, Bill gates , Mother Teresa or the unknown person?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thermography banned in Canada - Who Benefits?

As I said in my book The Fear Pandemic(Chapter 7) that thermography is one of the safest techniques to use for breast screening. This has now been maligned by Canada. The system if used would have effectively dealt a death blow to mammography using so called "soft X-Rays". There is no such thing as this, all Xrays are potentially cancer causing. If your immune repair system is not strong, cancer will be the result.

Read on the article from NaturalNews.
Health Canada protects mammogram racket by criminalizing thermography for breast cancer detection

Saturday, October 27, 2012

DRUG Companies Fined Billions

Please read the article by the Global Enquirer news agency on this link.....http://globalenquirer.com/drug-companies-fined-11-billion-dollars/..

Greed Corrupts, Absolute Greed Corrupts Absolutely!

 This is no deterrent as many US politicians are caught in these webs of money and drugs both legal and illegal.

Drug Companies Continue Breaking Law, Even After Being Fined $11 Billion. 

The Cancer Epidemic about to start in Malaysia.

The Malaysian archipelago is being targetted by the corrupt pharmaceutical companies who use the misinformed public to serve their needs of making people sick and then "curing" them by using chemo and other radical means. All expenses paid to these drug companies - who go on to reap billions in profit - from a third world gullible public fed on TV soap operas of Hollywood, like Emergency etc.

Malaysians should be aware that these drug companies have been FINED billions of US$ for fraud and bribery. Just google the words Drug companies fined and you will see what I mean at this link
Now they are pushing the HPV vaccine, a useless and dangerous drug made of past episodes of diseased and sickened ANIMAL EXTRACTS.

Be warned of strangers bearing gifts because in 2011 the HPV was being sold, now it is being given FREE to teenage girls in Malaysia.If you want to know how dangerous the vaccine is, many girls have DIED, and been severely affected by these vaccines.

Read the literature in my book The Fear Pandemic, chapter 7 is for you!

Forewarned is forearmed!

Monday, March 5, 2012

World Renown Heart Surgeon: What Really Causes Heart Disease | Wake Up From Your Slumber

World Renown Heart Surgeon: What Really Causes Heart Disease | Wake Up From Your Slumber

The view that Low Fat Diets are best is now open to ridicule because our natural diet which our fathers and grandfathers ate was high in the fat and had natural ingredients, not artificially made gene modified plants. Just as the saying goes " OLD IS GOLD"
Read what this surgeon says after 25 years in the medical industry trying to do "the right thing". People - wake up and deprograme yourselves!